Acu Relaxo Tab-less acupuncture needles enable the acupuncturist practitioner to take the needle out of package and insert into the acupoints, all in one time-saving motion. You don't need to follow the standard needle release procedures of removing the plastic tab and inserting needles. The needles release could be completed in one step: simply pushing off needle from the guide tube and press the needle on the acupoint with a single movement.
Thanks to this new and very practical system, you just need to peel the blister pack, push off needle from the guide tube, then press the needle with your index finger on the desired acupoints, no more redundant movements!
- Acu Relaxo Tab-less acupuncture needles are made with the highest quality surgical stainless steel
- Plastic needle handles without holding tabs
- Simply place on the acupoint and tap the needle with a single hand
- Smooth and painless insertion: each needle is polished by automated machinery that creates a very sharp tip
- Colour coded plastic handles are easy to know size of needles
- One needle per blister pack with one guide tube and 100 needles per box
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