LT®1521-3.3 is low dropout regulator with micropower quiescent current and shutdown. The quiescent current is well controlled; it does not rise in dropout as it does with many other low dropout PNP regulators. It include the ability to operate with very small output capacitors. Small ceramic capacitors can be used, enhancing manufacture ability. Also, the input may be connected to voltages lower than the output voltage, including negative voltages, without reverse current flow from output to input. It is deal for backup power situations where the output is held high and the input is low or reversed. Under these conditions only 5µA will flow from the output pin to ground. Typical applications are low current regulator, regulator for battery-powered systems, post regulator for switching supplies.
- Fixed output voltage is 3.3V
- Dropout voltage is 500mV typical at ILOAD=300mA, TJ=25°C
- Ground pin current is 6.5mA typical at ILOAD=300mA, TA=25°C
- Adjust pin bias current is 50nA typical at TJ=25°C
- Quiescent current in shutdown is 6µA typ at VIN=VOUT (nominal) + 1V, V active-low SHDN=0V, TA=25°C
- Current limit is 400mA typical at VIN - VOUT=7V, TJ=25°C
- Reverse output current is 5µA typical at VOUT=3.3V, VIN < 3.3V, TJ=25°C
- Reverse battery protection, thermal limiting
- 3-lead plastic SOT-223 package
- Operating temperature range from -40°C to 125°C
Product details
Output Type:
Input Voltage Min:
Input Voltage Max:
No. of Outputs:
Output Voltage Nom:
Output Voltage Min:
Output Voltage Max:
Positive Output
Output Current Max:
Dropout Voltage Typ @ Current:
IC Mounting:
Surface Mount
IC Case / Package:
No. of Pins:
Operating Temperature Min:
Operating Temperature Max:
Product Range:
3.3V 300mA LDO Voltage Regulators
MSL 1 - Unlimited
Other details
Brand |
Part Number |
LT1521IST-3.3#PBF |
Quantity |
Each |
Technical Data Sheet EN |
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