Anubias Nana Golden
Portion Size
Single plant with 3-5 leaves.
Anubias Nana Golden care involves three broad areas: water parameters, lighting needs and planting methods. Anubias care is pretty easy, making it a good plant for hobbyists just starting out.
Water Parameters: One of the reasons anubias care is easy is due to the fact that aquarium water conditions are consistent with those for a community freshwater tank, and can even be a bit broader:
Lighting Requirements: Another reason anubias care is easy is because its lighting needs are simple. Anubias Barteri can thrive is a wide range of lighting conditions from low light to higher levels of light. In low light tanks, meaning 1.8 to 3 watts per gallon, anubias plants will grow slowly. At higher lighting levels, anubias plants may grow more quickly, but will also be more susceptible to algae growth on the tops of their leaves.
Planting Methods: Anubias plants can grow in aquarium gravel, aquarium substrate, attached to rocks, driftwood, or decorations. While aquarium gravel may be adequate, anubias plants seem to do much better when planted in nutrient rich substrate or when attached to porous rocks or driftwood. Another aspect of anubias care relates to planting. When planting Anubias Barteri its important to not completely bury the rhizome. Instead, make sure the rhizome is on top of the substrate so that the rhizome visible to the eye.
Quick Stats
Scientific Name: Anubias Nana Golden
Care Level: Easy
Growth Rate: Slow
Tank Placement: Foreground, can be glued to driftwood/rocks
Lighting Requirement: Low to medium
Ideal Temperature: 20°-28°C
pH: 6-7.5
CO2: No
Nutrient Substrate: No
Anubias Nana Golden is a captivating aquatic plant with unique golden leaves that add a touch of elegance and warmth to the aquarium. This plant is highly sought after for its durability and versatility, making it suitable for both beginners and experienced aquarists. Its compact size makes it perfect for foreground or midground placement.
Provide moderate to low lighting to prevent algae growth on the leaves.
Attach the Anubias Nana Golden to rocks or driftwood using fishing line or cotton thread until it securely anchors itself.
Avoid burying the rhizome, as it can lead to rotting.
Avoid exposing the plant to high-intensity lighting, as it may cause the leaves to yellow or deteriorate.
Do not let the plant's leaves extend above the water surface, as they may lose their coloration or become damaged.
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