Set in the 9th century AD, the stage is a tumultuous era where unending conflicts and depleting resources compel Eivor, a Viking raider, to lead a Norse clan across the icy expanse of the North Sea, ultimately arriving in the fertile territories of England's fractured kingdoms. Their unwavering goal: to establish a lasting new homeland, regardless of the sacrifices required. In Assassin's Creed Valhalla, step into the shoes of Eivor, an unyielding Viking warrior nurtured on tales of valor and combat. Embark on an exploration of an enigmatic and splendid open world set amidst the harsh realities of England's shadowy medieval times.
Engage in daring raids against your adversaries, nurture the growth of your settlement, and amass your political influence on the arduous journey to secure a coveted place among the gods in the revered Valhalla. A tumult of battles shall surge, kingdoms may crumble, for this epoch is marked by the ascendancy of the Vikings.
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