Barrier Flea and Tick Spray is the best natural flea and tick spray for dogs we have found! Tough enough to repel all blood sucking pests, the spray is also gentle enough to be applied to all dogs, including smaller breeds and puppies over 3 months old. We think it is especially good for keeping ticks at bay especially if you walk in areas where there are a lot of ticks.
If you can't bear removing ticks from your dog and they pick one up, spraying this onto the tick will cause them to fall off naturally. One of our dogs picked up a really tiny red tick on their face (our fault, we'd forgotten to use Barrier Flea & Tick Spray before a walk in the woods), the tick was so tiny we were unable to grasp it with either a tick remover or tweezers so we very carefully sprayed a little of the Barrier Flea & Tick Spray onto their face (shielding the eyes) and when we checked a little while later, tiny red tick was gone!
As an added bonus it smells gorgeous - we think it smells of cloves. Contains a blend of essential oils and herbal concentrates just like an old fashioned homemade remedy for fleas. If your dog already has fleas then use it with 100% natural and non toxic Get Rid powder to kill fleas in 4 hours. Can also be used with any of our other natural flea prevention products.
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