The variegated leaves on the Carolina Sweetheart™ Redbud are unlike anything we have ever seen. Following the pink flowers, maroon, red and pink leaves emerge in early spring transitioning to variegated green and white as they age. These leaves keep the tree awash with reds, pinks, whites, and greens that swirls through the leaves and tree. As fall approaches the tree transitions to shades of yellow with the reds and whites of the variegation still apparent. Topping out around 20-25 ft. the Carolina Sweetheart™ makes an excellent understory tree or center piece for a section of your garden. It's Latin name is Cercis canadensis 'NCCC1' because it was created by horticulturalists at NC State University and it can be difficult to propagate making it a rare and special tree.
Like most redbuds varieties, these are hearty trees that grow quickly. In the spring, you should enjoy the clusters of 1/2 inch purple pink flowers that appear directly on the bark. A healthy tree will have the strongest variegated growth immediately after flowering early in the spring. Variegation will fade somewhat into the summer depending on location and health of the tree. To protect the trees roots from summer heat stress refresh 2-3 inches of organic wood mulch annually - especially if the tree is in full or afternoon sun. In the fall, prior to leaf drop apply 5-7 month slow release fertilizer to encourage strong spring growth. Variation tends to be strongest on new growth, so trim dead branches in the late fall/early winter. We recommend keeping the 2-3 foot radius around the tree clear of grass and well mulched for the first few years, this will keep grass from competing for water and encourage root growth. Once the tree is well established, (3-4 years) grass can be allowed to return.
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