Chilli BTR - 7 Seeds
Capsicum chinense
Heat Level: 14.5 out of 15
BTR = (Butch Trinidad Reaper)
BTR is a chilli variety created from the infamous chilli guru Butch Taylor, who successfully crosses two of the world's hottest chilli breed – the former and present - Butch T Scorpion and Carolina Reaper.
The end product is something monstrous. In appearance resembles the Trinidad Moruga, but it has thinner skin, tastewise is fruity citrus and the heat is out of this dimension!
How to Germinate Chilli Seeds
First, do not forget that chillies are subtropical to tropical vegetable plant and love the heat. You MUST ensure that the chilli seeds' soil temperature MUST remain between 28 - 30 °C, 24x7 – Day & Night. So if you live in Australia's cool & temperate climate zone, you need to invest in seedling heat with a thermostat without any doubt. If you don't want to invest in seedling heat mat & thermostat, then you need to wait until summer to start the Chilli. Simply keeping seeds in the greenhouse (which may have a temperature drop below 10 °C on many nights even in late Oct to late November to the many parts of Australia), may yield poor germination result.
Patience is a virtue! It can take up-to minimum 2 weeks to 4 weeks maximum before first seedlings will sprout.
It would be best if you made sure to measure the heat of the soil by putting the thermometer inside the soil of the seedlings. Make sure that soil does not dry out, but make sure they are not too wet either because this will make the seeds susceptible to fungal pathogens
We suggest storing our seeds in the refrigerator in the given plastic clip lock until seeding them up. Please make sure that you do not get any moisture in the bags
And last but not least, the ultra hots chillies are very temperamental and take a great amount of love and care + CONSTANT and EXACT warm soil (28 - 30 °C), 24x7 – Day & Night!
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