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baby bazar is online shopping store which tends to
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Mustache Baby Pacifiers
The Funny Mustache Baby Pacifiers Made with high grade silicone, leaving no detectable taste or odor. The cute mustache pacifier has a natural orthodontic shape, known to help with oral development. Designed for babies from 12 to 36 months, pacifier is BPA and PVC free and latex-free. Transparent, tasteless and odorless, the Pacifier is made strong and resists becoming sticky.
- CUTEST BABY MUSTACHE PACIFIER: Our baby pacifiers are great for babies & young toddlers. Meticulously designed with kissable lips and different styles in mustaches, BabyStache pacifiers are adorable and these cute pacifiers make a perfect baby shower gift.
- MADE WITH SAFE BPA FREE SILICONE: Pacifier is dishwasher safe and can be sterilized. It is made with high quality silicone, pacifiers are BPA-free, phthalate-free and PVC-free, are non toxic and are made with eco-friendly materials. Conforms to all pacifier safety requirements.
- for contact whats app us : 03479432880
Please Note: Due to difference in customer’s screen settings there might be a slight difference of color in the product image available on website and actual product delivered to you.please keep that under consideration.
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