CT48A Cigar Humidor Cabinet for Unmatched Cigar Preservation
Monumental Storage: Offering a 450L capacity to accommodate 2500-3000 cigars, tailored for the serious collector.
Exceptional Craftsmanship: Showcasing anti-fingerprint stainless steel construction for enduring beauty and resilience.
Unsurpassed Climate Control: Employs precise temperature and humidity adjustments, maintaining 59-71.6°F and 60-75%±1% ranges, respectively.
Authentic Spanish Cedar Wood: Features eight shelves, including three on slide rails, to complement and protect your cigars.
Superior Compressor: Utilizes EMBRACO vector inverter compressor technology for efficient and quiet operation.
Cutting-edge Ammonia Clean System: Promises purity and longevity for your cigar collection.
Innovative Dehumidification: Comes with an independent quick dehumidification drawer for optimal conditions.
Dimensions: 27.16"W 27.56"D 72.83"H
- Water Cooling
- Independent Quick Humidification Drawer
- Built-in Ammonia Removal System
Preserving the timeless allure of fine cigars demands an equally refined humidor. The CT48A Cigar Humidor Cabinet surpasses expectations, as we've experienced firsthand. Raching's expertise in luxury humidors is well represented in this state-of-the-art design, and in comparison to others in the market, it's a cut above the rest.
Its massive 450L capacity is a standout feature, allowing you to house an impressive collection of 2500-3000 cigars. Crafted from anti-fingerprint stainless steel, it exudes a sophisticated aura that transcends time, a trait seldom seen in other humidors.
What truly sets this humidor apart is the precision control of temperature and humidity within the ideal ranges of 59-71.6°F and 60-75%±1%, respectively. As a connoisseur, we appreciate how this key feature protects the integrity of each cigar.
Inside the cabinet, your collection rests on eight shelves of genuine Spanish cedar wood, a superior material cherished in the industry for its humidity control and insect-repelling qualities. Among these, three are conveniently set on slide rails for easy access—a detail that underlines Raching's thoughtful design.
Another distinguishing aspect is the inclusion of the EMBRACO vector inverter compressor, a leader in efficiency and quiet performance. In my experience, it’s a game-changer for long-term storage.
But Raching takes cigar preservation even further. The CT48A model includes an independent quick dehumidification drawer and an Ammonia clean system, two groundbreaking features that ensure your cigars stay fresh and tasteful.
Step into the upper echelons of cigar collection with the CT48A Cigar Humidor Cabinet. A testament to Raching's unmatched innovation and craftsmanship, it's undoubtedly the humidor of choice for discerning cigar aficionados.
Warranty: For RACHING cigar cabinets purchased after August 2024, the factory warranty of the whole machine is 2 years, and the compressor is 6 years.
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