The 16th standalone entry in the legendary Final Fantasy series marks a darker turn for the RPG franchise, with a complex tale of revenge, power struggles and unavoidable tragedy.
Enter the dark fantasy world of Valisthea in this highly anticipated single-player action RPG. Play as Clive Rosfield, First Shield of Rosaria and guardian of his younger brother Joshua, the Dominant of the Eikon Phoenix, in this epic action RPG from a team of Final Fantasy veterans.
Final Fantasy XVI reimagines the series' iconic summons as Eikons. These deadly creatures are housed within Dominants, men and women who inherit their immense power at birth - whether they like it or not.
Eikons are the most powerful beings in Valisthea, a land where six powerful realms have emerged thanks to the power of the Mothercrystals. The aether provided by these towering mountains of crystal powers the magicks that have allowed these nations to thrive for many years but now a mysterious Blight threatens to disrupt their uneasy alliance.
Release date: 22 June 2023.
- Game disc.
- For ages 18 years and over.
- This game is classified as certificate 18. It contains content unsuitable for persons under 18 years old. It is illegal to supply it to anyone under that age. DO NOT attempt to purchase the item if you are under 18.
- PS5 compatible.
- EAN: 5021290096806.
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