Introducing the Geneve - 500 Cigar Glasstop Table Humidor: Store Your Collection in Style
Premium Features for Cigar Connoisseurs
Experience the epitome of luxury cigar storage with the Geneve - 500 Cigar Glasstop Table Humidor. Meticulously designed, this humidor offers a stunning showcase for your prized cigar collection. Its tempered beveled glass top and front provide a clear view of your cigars, while the smooth opening and closing on quadrant and piano hinges add a touch of elegance to your experience.
Unparalleled Functionality
With a capacity to hold up to 500 cigars, the Geneve humidor ensures you have ample space for your collection to grow. The Spanish cedar-lined tray, complete with dividers, allows you to organize your cigars based on your preferences. Two additional Spanish cedar trays, each with dividers, along with two dividers at the bottom, offer even more flexibility for arranging your cigars.
Optimal Preservation and Monitoring
Your cigars deserve the best care, and the Geneve humidor delivers just that. Equipped with three large rectangle humidifiers, it ensures the ideal humidity levels are maintained to keep your cigars in perfect condition. The included glass hygrometer with a brass frame lets you easily monitor the humidity inside the humidor, ensuring your cigars are always stored in the optimal environment.
Elegance and Security Combined
The Geneve humidor combines sophistication with functionality. Its high lacquer rosewood burl finish, complemented by solid wood legs, adds a touch of refinement to any setting. The gold-plated lock and key with a tassel not only provide security but also exude an air of opulence. The flush handles, hidden quadrant, and piano hinges ensure a seamless aesthetic, while the engraveable brass nameplate allows for personalization.
Reliable Seal and Additional Storage
Thanks to SureSeal Technology, the Geneve humidor guarantees a proper seal when closed, preserving the humidity levels and flavors of your cigars. For additional storage options, this humidor features a Spanish cedar-lined drawer, perfect for accommodating extra cigars or accessories.
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