Portion Size
You will receive 5 emersed-grown stems, similar to photo 2, at least 10cm in length.
Water Wisteriа is а рорulаr рlаnt thаt is extremely eаsy tо саre fоr аnd suitаble fоr beginners. It саn grоw very tаll but with frequent рruning, the рlаnt саn stаy соmрасt аnd lоw grоwing. This aquatic plant is a great choice for Betta fish tanks. In fact, a lot of Betta fish enthusiasts refer to Water Water as a “Betta fish playground” because of the way Bettas often hang out and forage in the forest of leaves.
Plant your stems in areas where they have access to plentiful lighting, otherwise, Hygrophila Difformis won’t be able to grow. Make sure that your Water Wisteria aren’t kept too densely, or they will compete with each other. Start with just a few, spaced a couple of inches apart. You can propagate some stems later if you have extra space.
Quick Stats
Scientific Name: Hygrophila Difformis
Care Level: Easy
Growth Rate: Fast
Tank Placement: Midground/Background
Lighting Requirement: Will thrive in medium to bright light
Ideal Temperature: 20°-27°C
pH: 6.0-7.5
CO2: No, but recomended
Substrate: Yes
Please also check out these beginner plants for your aquarium!
Provide moderate to high lighting for optimal growth and leaf coloration.
Plant the Water Wisteria in a nutrient-rich substrate or use root fertilizers to promote healthy growth.
Regularly trim the plant to maintain its desired shape and prevent it from overshadowing other plants.
Avoid drastic changes in water parameters, as it can lead to leaf shedding.
Do not allow the plant to become completely dry, as it requires a moist environment for growth.
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