Design Concept:
The distinctly Chinese ruyi motif is expressed here in the most natural of all settings—among timeless and swirling cloud patterns. Like the whimsical clouds that come and go, floating and fluttering as they please, so shall those who walk with the ruyi blessing. Or perhaps it is more appropriate to say that those blessed with ruyi soar, lifted above the clouds with a chest full of confidence and a heart full of determination. This is the spirit of the Chinese ruyi symbol: that one may be inspired to achieve anything they wish, because the sky is the limit.
設計概念說明: 鮮明的中國如意圖案在這里以最自然的環境表現出來--在永恆的和旋轉的雲紋中。就像那些異想天開的雲朵,隨心所欲地飄來飄去,那些帶著如意祝福行走的人也將如此。或者說,受如意祝福的人翱翔在雲端,胸中充滿自信,心中充滿堅定,這樣的說法更為恰當。這就是中國如意符號的精神:一個人可以被激勵去實現他們希望的任何事情,因為天空是極限。
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