Discover the inner workings of Godzilla's formidable adversary, Gomorrah, with MegaHouse's innovative "Demolition Puzzle." This unique collectible offers a fascinating glimpse inside the ancient monster, featuring:
- 40 pieces that provide an engaging assembly experience. You can build, dismantle, and rebuild Gomorrah to your heart's content.
- Versatile display options allow you to showcase Gomorrah with his skin fully intact or partially removed, revealing the intricate details of what lies beneath.
- A slightly super-deformed design paired with precise sculpting ensures this figure will be a distinctive addition to your collection.
Don't miss the opportunity to own this one-of-a-kind figure. Add it to your collection today!
- 40 puzzle pieces
- Display dimensions may vary based on assembly choices
- High-quality, durable materials for long-lasting enjoyment
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