The Monthly Budget Spreadsheet is a tool designed to help you easily manage your finances. The spreadsheet is organized into three main sections: the 'Start Here' page, the Budget Sheet, and the Transactions Log.
The 'Start Here' page allows you to list all of your sources of income, as well as your categories for bills, expenses, savings, and debt. This information is carried over into the monthly budget sheet, so you only need to update it if your sources of revenue or other categories change.
The Budget Sheet is where you can plan out your month in advance by updating your projected revenue and expenses. It is recommended that you make a copy of the spreadsheet at the beginning of each month and update the date to reflect the current month. This will allow you to see a clear overview of your financial situation and make any necessary adjustments to your budget.
The Transactions Log is where you can record information about all of your financial transactions, including the date, category, and subcategory. This information is automatically reflected in the monthly budget sheet, so it is important to keep the log up to date and double check your entries for accuracy.
To use the Monthly Budget Spreadsheet, you will need to have a Google account. If you don't have one, you can easily create one for free by going to and following the steps to 'Create an Account'.
Happy Budgeting!
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