Nepenthes Red Bell (also known as Alata lantern) is brought to you by Hungry Plants. This is an easy beginner tropical pitcher plant which easily adjusts to a variety of growing conditions
Although the exact parentage is unknown, it is thought to believe to have Nepenthes Gracillima and Ventricosa parentage
Nepenthes Red bell is a robust grower often creating many growth points along the stem. Produces medium-sized (around 8-10cm) red to dark red pitchers with reddish leaves when grown in bright light
Similar to other carnivorous plants, nepenthes grow in a special type of soil low in nutrients and instead collect their nitrogen in hanging, slippery vase-shaped cups that include its own digestive juice
Tropical pitcher plants entice both flying and crawling insects with an intoxicating fragrance, bright colour and sweet nectar
Perfect for a sheltered spot outdoors or sunny windowsill with bright diffused light
Whether you prefer starting off with a younger plant and watch it grow into full majestic glory over the years or jumping in with more munch, right from the get go, we've got you covered! Cultivo is all about choices and our plants are available in various sizes and options to suit your every want and need. Plants are measured across (Leafspan = leaf tip to leaf tip, without tendrils and pitchers) and are sold either bareroot or already potted in our deluxe carnivorous plant soil, ready for action during the upcoming growing season
Winter dormancy:
During the autumn and winter months, growth in tropical pitcher plants slows considerably and pitchers will die off
Active growth in the form of new leaves and development of pitchers (sizes as indicated) are expected during spring and summer
Should you be unfamiliar with this plant species, head over to our FAQ section for more information on what to expect when ordering from us during the colder months >>Carnivorous plants and winter dormancy: What to expect
Potted vs Bareroot
In Nepenthes world, the shape and colours of pitchers and leaves are determined by the characteristics of the various species
Pitcher sizes are also highly variable across species and may not be present at the time of shipment, therefor we measure the actual size of the plant to determine the size of the plants we offer
Tropical pitcher plants are measured across the leafspan (from leaf tip to leaf tip of the largest two leaves, not including the tendrils and pitchers) as seen in the image below
Special considerations and growing conditions:
Requires Intermediate conditions
Easy beginner plant - Adapts well to a wide range of South African conditions
Great for bright windowsills or protected porch with morning sun
Bright filtered light and a humidity level of > 30% will be ideal
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