SD-800 Full Automatic Dual Zone Cigar Humidor Cabinet
As a seasoned cigar aficionado, we can confidently say that the Raching SD-800 Double Zone Cigar Humidor Cabinet is a game-changer for cigar storage. Its elegant design, available in either Walnut Black or Carbon Fiber Black or Golden, immediately caught my eye, adding a touch of sophistication to any cigar room. With dimensions of 47.24" W x 24.02" D x 75.59" H, it offers a spacious haven for my collection, accommodating a generous 3000-4000 cigars.
What truly sets this humidor apart is its attention to detail. The Spanish Cedar wood shelves provide the perfect environment for my cigars, and the PID control logic ensures that the temperature, now in Fahrenheit ranging from 60.8°F to 68°F, and humidity, maintained between 60% and 80%, remain absolutely precise. No more worries about moisture damage, as it employs a unique humidification system without spray humidifiers. I've noticed how it helps in aging my cigars, controlling the oils, and preserving their rich flavors. The SD-800 Double Zone Cigar Humidor Cabinet is, without a doubt, an investment in the ultimate cigar experience.
Precise Humidity Control: This humidor features three dedicated sections for humidity control, ensuring optimal conditions for new cigars, boxed cigars, and loose cigars while preventing any unwanted moisture issues.
High-Capacity Storage: With a remarkable 3000-4000 cigar capacity, it offers one of the largest storage spaces available in fully automatic humidor cabinets, making it perfect for serious cigar enthusiasts.
Aging and Flavor Preservation: The cabinet helps in aging cigars, controlling the release of oils, and preserving the unique taste and aroma of your cigars over time.
Advanced PID Control Logic: Utilizing advanced PID (Proportional-Integral-Derivative) control logic, it maintains temperature and humidity with exceptional precision, eliminating fluctuations that can affect cigar quality.
No Spray Humidifiers: Unlike traditional spray humidifiers that can create a wet environment, this cabinet uses a different humidity control method, keeping your cigars in perfect condition without any risk of moisture damage.
Elegant Design: The cabinet is available in two sophisticated finishes, Walnut Black and Carbon Fiber Black, adding a touch of elegance to any cigar room or collection.
The Raching SD-800 Double Zone Cigar Humidor Cabinet is a top-tier choice for cigar aficionados seeking a reliable, high-capacity, and precisely controlled storage solution for their prized cigar collection.
Warranty: For RACHING cigar cabinets purchased after August 2024, the factory warranty of the whole machine is 2 years, and the compressor is 6 years.
Dimensions: 47.24" W x 24.02" D x 75.59" H
Color Options: Walnut Black or Carbon Fiber Black
Cabinet Capacity: 28.31 cubic feet
Cigar Capacity: 3000-4000 cigars
Shelf Materials: Spanish Cedar wood
Shelves Quantity: 8 shelves for the left cigar cabinet, 8 shelves for the right cigar cabinet
Temperature Range:
- Left Cigar Cabinet: 60.8°F - 68°F
- Right Cigar Cabinet: 60.8°F - 68°F
Humidity Range:
- Left Cigar Cabinet: 60% - 80%
- Right Cigar Cabinet: 60% - 80%
Rated Power: 250 watts (3.4 kWh/day)
Cooling Method: Compressor water cooling
Humidity Control: Three separate sections for humidity control (new cigars, boxed cigars, loose cigars)
Control Logic: PID (Proportional-Integral-Derivative) control logic for precise temperature and humidity management
Humidification System: No spray humidifiers to prevent moisture issues
Aging and Flavor Preservation: Helps in aging cigars, controlling oils, and preserving the taste and aroma of cigars
Finish: Elegant and stylish design available in Walnut Black or Carbon Fiber Black
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