"The Old Guitarist" is an oil painting by Pablo Picasso created in late 1903 - early 1904 during his Blue Period. It depicts an old, blind, haggard man with threadbare clothing weakly hunched over his guitar, playing in the streets of Barcelona, Spain. The painting is considered one of the most haunting pieces created during Picasso's Blue Period and reflects his fascination with societal outcasts he saw when traveling through Spain. The elongated, angular figure of the blind musician also relates to Picasso's interest in Spanish art and, in particular, the great 16th-century artist El Greco.
A reproduction of this masterpiece on our wooden name-plate gives your name an artistic showcase that is bound to catch everyone's attention.
The Old Guitarist Name Plate is part of our Masterpieces collection - a collection of birchply name-plates that is inspired by the most famous artworks known to mankind.
Each name plate in the collection is water-proofed and comes with a keyhole at the back for easy hanging.
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