Sagittaria sabulata 1-2-Grow! is yet another fine specimen aquarium plant that is a lovely foreground plant that is easy to grow - this means if you're a beginner and up, it won't cause you any problems!
Although a typical foreground plant, Sagittaria sabulata 1-2-Grow! does sometimes grow much larger than hobbyists expect and even Tropica can't be sure why. It can stay as low as 5cm but has also been seen at 30cm tall - so quite a difference. To avoid this height issue, plant Sagittaria sabulata 1-2-Grow! so that the plants are at least 2-4cm apart.
Sagittaria sabulata 1-2-Grow! throws out runners in order to spread around the aquarium and occasionally pops out a white flower if you let the plant grow to the surface. This is well recommended because they look rather pretty. I'm not sure what impact this has on Sagittaria sabulata 1-2-Grow! itself as often when plants flower they put a lot of their energy into doing so.
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