A very effective herbal remedy which can be used to calm a range of 'funny tummy' symptoms including loose stools, stomach spasms, flatulence and to stimulate appetite. It can also prevent the rather disgusting habit some dogs have of eating their own or other dog's poo!
For example, if your dog eats something that doesn't agree with them or is getting used to a new type of dog food, they may produce loose stools or become more 'windy'. Many dog owners worry if their dog's motions are loose. Use Tum Ease to soothe an inflamed digestive system. However in the event that your dog is very loose and/or is vomiting and seems subdued then seek the advice of your vet. This is especially important for puppies and senior dogs.
Tum Ease may also be useful for dogs that eat grass. Many dogs like to eat grass. There can be a number of reasons for grass eating but is believed to be caused by some deficiency in their diet. Adding Tum Ease to your dog's daily meal may help to stop grass eating. If not, then try an all round supplement such as K9 Sure which will ensure that your dog is getting all the daily nutrients that they need. Alternatively if your dog is eating grass it may be because they feel nauseous. Tum Ease contains ginger which is a well know anti-nausea herb.
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