In an overwhelmingly chaotic world, Cheryl finds inspiration in the tranquility of her underwater studio. Her internationally acclaimed award-winning photographs are often described as old-world painterly, yet are entirely photographic.
Creator Cheryl Walsh
Aqua Summersus Deck
Each each card in the Major Arcana represents a step towards embracing our true selves and leading a fulfilling life that positively impacts others.
A South Pasadena Arts Crawl Event
A Free Neighborhood-Night-on-the-Town with Art, Music, Family, Shopping, Food and Friends!
Artists, musicians, and merchants will celebrate the winter season with another fun and family-friendly South Pasadena Arts Crawl on Saturday, February 10th, from 3:00 to 8:00 p.m.
Sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce, the South Pasadena Arts Crawl welcomes the community to this free event which offers live music, art exhibitions, interactive art activities, open houses, food and drink specials, and sales throughout the business district.
Mission Street, and adjacent blocks, will be lively with event activities.