Ray-Traced Gaming On The GeForce RTX 2060
To date, five AAA titles feature stunning ray-traced effects, with many others launching in the coming year. For each game, we work with our partners to ensure that GeForce RTX 2060 owners receive a great gaming experience with all the benefits of ray-tracing. And in the system built for this article, the GeForce RTX 2060 delivered the following high-quality experiences:Control
Remedy Entertainment’s Control is not only a great game, but also a real-time ray tracing showcase, featuring multiple ray-traced effects that take image quality and realism to new heights. Using High settings, High RT, and the latest iteration of DLSS, our GeForce RTX 2060 system achieved 76 FPS, with vastly improved image fidelity and immersion:With RT enabled on our rig, scenes throughout Control are enhanced with physically-accurate reflections, global illumination, and pixel-perfect shadows, for the definitive experience.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare
Activision’s Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is the newest ray tracing title, and it features ray-traced shadows in its cinematic single-player campaign, and core multiplayer modes. These enhance the game’s traditional shadow maps, adding accurate shadows that account for the strength of light, the influence of multiple light sources, the detail of shadow casters, and the size of the shadow, for the addition of contact hardening and softening. The result is natural, realistic and immersive shadowing that adds an additional level of refinement and fidelity to Modern Warfare’s gritty, realistic visuals:Modern Warfare has been well optimized and runs like a dream on many systems, enabling the game to run at fast frame rates with maximum settings, with ray tracing enabled, for the definitive PC gaming experience.