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About Us

What would Jesus do? The answer is here. The word became flesh and showed us what it looks like to walk in complete communion with the Father. And it looks like love. Jesus came to a world of sinners and showed the most radical expression of love by giving his life. For everyone. Looking into Jesus' life we see example after example of Jesus loving people that the world deemed unlovable and unforgivable. The past mistakes and shortcoming of prostitutes, tax collectors, lepers, and adulterers were no match for the healing and redeeming love of the savior. Now that we have received such a fiery love we have the honor being the living expression of love Himself. In a world with so much division, hatred and confusion we have the answer. The answer is being Jesus to the world. The answer lives in us.  Let's be the generation that answers the question "What Would Jesus Do?". 


A while ago I was looking at my WWJD (What Would Jesus Do) wristband and I wondered what my answer would be if someone actually asked me that question. I wanted to start a conversation about the Gospel of Jesus! I wanted to tell the people around me what Jesus did while we were still sinners! I wanted to point people back to the Cross!

 Romans 5:8 says “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”

This is the Good News! That when we were dead in our sin, He came to free us from our sin and reconcile us back to the Father. His love moved first! We cannot come to Him unless the Spirit first draws us!

And now we have been given the ministry of reconciliation! We love because He first loved us! His first love leads us to repentance and transforms us from the inside out!

What an honor to tell the world about Jesus! 





H E   W O U L D   L O V E   F I R S T 


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