We want to ensure that Football Finery’s customers are happy ones. So, if you are not 100% satisfied with your purchase, you can return it to us, no questions asked.
You have 30 days from the date of receipt to return your items to us. Return items must be in the condition they were sent in, with tags still on (if item came with tags).
To activate your return, simply email [email protected] to (i) let us know the reason for your return and (ii) to request a refund authorisation code. We will acknowledge your return and provide mailing details for 'The FF Studio'.
To protect against items going missing in the post, returned items must be sent via a TRACKED delivery service. Items returned by a customer that fail to reach us, for which we have not received a valid tracking number, will not be issued a refund. No exceptions.
If the reason for the return is consumer preference, we would ask the consumer to cover the return postage costs. However, if the reason for the return is due to a fault on our behalf, such as errors in the listing, product description, condition or shipment, we will be happy to refund the return postage in full.
Once the returned item is received and its condition verified, refunds will be issued in full (including postage costs where applicable) within 3 business days.
Football Finery reserves the right to deduct any costs incurred to return the item(s) back to their original condition. This includes any work associated with cleaning and restoration work.