LightStoreUSA is open and operating to fill our customers' needs, ON A VERY LIMITED STAFF. All in stock items are shipped the same or next business day. Any item that is not in stock is drop shipped from the manufacturer. Due to unprecedented commodity and product shortages manufacturers are experiencing longer than normal lead times coupled with staff shortages due to Covid. Incoming freight is backlogged at entry ports and severe weather is causing additional delays between ports and inland warehouses. All 2 inch Aluminum Light Pole Brackets are on extended delay until February 2022.
Please contact us if you have a question regarding the stock status of an item.
Delivery time is estimated and cannot be guaranteed due to delays with carriers due to overwhelming demand. International orders may be delayed due to customs inspections and or restrictions. If you have a deadline for installation or a job please CONTACT US BEFORE ORDERING so we can contact the manufacturer for lead times.
Please feel free to reach out to us with any questions by using the messenger below, email: [email protected] or call 888-963-9665