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Finatics Friday Coffee Dates with Special Guests

Jackie Anderson from Project Piaba 

Steven Chong, World number 5 Aquascaper 

Rob McLure, Corydoras expert 

Nelson Marcucci from Creekwood Aquatics 

Jen and Nora from Fishkeep and Chill

James Farrand and Nicole Bell from Horizon Aquatics 

Luke Wang, from the Sacramento Aquarium Society 

Andres Ryan Commercial Breeder of Clown Loaches 

Stephan M Tanner, Amazonas Magazine Editor 

Ian Fuller, Corydoras LEGEND


Daniel Konn-Vetterlein, Pleco Lover


Steve Chester, Premier Aquatics 

Ryan Noel, Professional Aquascaper 

Pam Chin, African Cichlid Expert 

Brian Miller from Seachem, the nicest person in the industry 

Three Idiots Talk Aquariums, NZ's premier aquarium podcast 

Bentley Pascoe, YouTuber, aquatic plant master, rainbow fish guru.

Heiko Bleher, Godfather of all things aquatics and discovering flora and fauna 

Nic Dykes, NZ Aquarist 

Dr Gerald Bassleer, Fish Doctor 

Graeme Kerr from Aquarium Adventures 

Braxton Mackenzie-White, New Zealand Aquascaper and plant keeper 

Kapil Mandrekar, Ichnologist, Conservationist and Explorer  

Mark Goodwin AKA Geordie Scaper Aquascaper and Seachem Brand Ambassador 

Dave Cohen Aquatic Plant Master 

John Hansen Aquatic Blog Writer 

David Sanchez Tetra Breeder 

Chris "The Mad Aquarist" Biggs

Yago from Wio 

Marcin & Marcin from Tropical Fish Food

Sandy Moore from Segrest Farms 

Tom Barr Special Edition 

Jeff Miotke from Jeff Miotke Aquascaper 

Paul Talbot from Majestic Aquariums 

Milton from The Original Green Pleco 

Remi from Aquahouse 

Jacob from Thompson Aquatics 

Scott Fellman from Tannin Aquatics 

Grant Eder from The Garden of Eder 

Alexander Williamson from The Secret History Living in your Aquarium 

Dan from Dan's Fish 

Tai Strietman

Chris Lukhaup 

Rebecca Bentley 

Nick from Keeping Fish Simple 


Ritchie Newell 

Dean Tweeddale 

Kamil Hazy 

Chris Englezou


Stan De Jong 

Pete Barnes 

Yuriy from Pleco Ceramics 

Jennifer Hamlin

Blake from Blake's Aquatics 

Ryan Jury 

Aqua Mate 

Rock Crowder 

Dr Anthony Mazeroll 

Sam Scalz 

Cameron Yaxley 

Ebi from Aotearoa Lakes

Ivan Mikolji 

Geoff Haglund 

Dr David Pool 



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