While we specialize in providing the very best enclosures, backgrounds, décor and complete reptile kits, we often get questions asking where are the best places to purchase ongoing supplies. The below list of online stores sell the various reptile supplies that we use and recommend. Also listed are several reliable online resources that provide credible, factual information about reptile care.
Associations -
Pet Advocacy Network (PAN) - The Pet Advocacy Network (Formally PIJAC) has been involved in nearly every international, federal or state initiative addressing the importation, captive propagation, sale and possession of non-native aquatic ornamentals, birds, reptiles and small mammals, among many other issues. Some have been constant over the past 50 years, such as pet store sales bans, consumer warranties, animal cruelty, and restrictions on sales and possession. Others, including invasive species, zoonotic diseases and breed restrictions, have become more prominent over the years. But the foundation for PIJAC’s advocacy work then and now is their dedication to advancing their mission, and through that, enabling Americans to experience the incredible benefits of the human-animal bond.Responsible Reptile Keeping (RRK) - Responsible Reptile Keeping (RRK) is a membership organization which aims to promote, support and protect responsible reptile keeping. Broadcasting free digital and printed media content which promotes effective husbandry and high welfare standards, Responsible Reptile Keeping also seeks to oppose and refute those who aim to curtail responsible keeping through their use of misinformation and inexperience. Responsible Reptile Keeping helps reptiles, keepers and businesses live better.
United States Association of Reptile Keepers (USARK) - The United States Association of Reptile Keepers (USARK) is a science, education and conservation-based advocacy for the responsible private ownership of, and trade in reptiles and amphibians. USARK endorses caging standards, sound husbandry, escape prevention protocols, and an integrated approach to vital conservation issues. Their goal is to facilitate cooperation between government agencies, the scientific community, and the private sector in order to produce policy proposals that will effectively address important husbandry and conservation issues. The health of these animals, public safety and maintaining ecological integrity are their primary concerns.
Bioactive Supplies and Substrates -
The Bio Dude - The Bio Dude's reputation was partially formed around their top-quality bioactive vivarium substrates & high quality education and science backed initiatives for proper husbandry. The Dude's bioactive substrates will last the life of the animal if maintained accurately, foster symbiotic relationships, grow plants, moss and support populations of beneficial microfauna such as springtails and isopods.
Josh's Frogs - Josh's Frogs originally earned its name from being the largest Poison Dart Frog breeder in the world. Founded in 2004, they now offer many other captive-bred amphibians, reptiles, feeder insects, live plants, and a large range of bioactive supplies.
Cleaning Supplies -
Josh's Frogs - Now the largest online retailer of reptile and amphibian products, Josh's Frogs offers a large range of cleaning supplies too.
Décor -
Universal Rocks - While we stock a large range of backgrounds, ledges, rocks, water bowls and more, we simply cannot stock everything from Universal Rocks. Be sure to shop here first and if you don't see what you're looking for, use our Universal Rocks coupon – CUSTOMREPTILEHABITATS – for 10% off all Universal Rocks products.
Lighting & Heating -
Light Your Reptiles - Founded on one simple idea: To bring the best in full spectrum lighting products to the herpetological community.
Live Plants -
The Bio Dude - Huge range of safe terrarium plants for reptile habitats. Coupon Offer 10% off Live Plants - Use Coupon: CRH GETPLANTED
Josh's Frogs - Josh's Frogs carries a wide variety of topicals, vines, ferns, and carnivorous plants.
Online Resources -
Facebook Husbandry Groups:
Advancing Herpetological Husbandry - Goals of the Advancing Herpetological Husbandry group are: 1. To promote "best care" rather than "basic care." 2. Tackling the all-pervasive myths of reptile husbandry using research and science, not anecdote and assumption. 3. Promoting the use of new technologies where applicable, and the use of existing technologies where it has been proven to be beneficial to animals.
Ball Pythons - Welcome to Not Just a Pet Rock, the ball python community that gives their animals the best they can! Promoting BEST care rather than BASIC care - we want to offer a much better alternative to the minimalist, battery farming style of keeping prevalent today.
Bearded Dragons - An Advancing Herpetological Husbandry specialist group focused on improving welfare and captive care of the bearded dragon, Pogona vitticeps and closely related species.
Corn Snakes - We are a Group for anyone who has or is interested in Corn Snakes- sometimes known as red rat snakes- Elaphe guttata guttata/ Pantherophis guttatus, from brand new owners to long time keepers! We are open minded and understand that there is more than one way to keep a snake. However we do advocate for care practices that are based in Science and Herpetology.
Crested Geckos - We are a Group for anyone who has or is interested in Crested Geckos (Correlophus ciliatus), from brand new owners to long time keepers! We are an open-minded group that understands there is more than one way to keep a Crested Gecko. However, we do advocate for care practices that are based in Science and Herpetology.
Giant Leaps in Giant Husbandry - The Principle aim of this group is to constructively challenge methods of keeping larger herps or those that have been traditionally harder to cater for with a view to improving their care in captivity.
Leopard Geckos - We are a Group for anyone who has or is interested in Leopard Geckos (Eublepharis macularius), from brand new owners to long time keepers! We are an open-minded group that understands there is more than one way to keep a Leopard Gecko. However, we do advocate for care practices that are based in Science and Herpetology.
Reptile Lighting - This group is dedicated to the understanding, discussion and awareness of lighting (UV, lighting and heating) for reptiles and amphibians in captivity.
Recommended Podcasts:
Animals at Home - The mission with Animals at Home is simple: To inspire others to push the limits of their reptile husbandry by promoting the importance of high level, creative care individualized for each reptile. Arguably one of the best reptile related podcasts around, Animals at Home features a long list of reptile keeping icons who share their knowledge and experience in order to help us to be better keepers.
Reptiles and Research - A channel created for people who own or are looking to own reptiles and want to give the best care possible, Reptile and Research aims to dispel some of the husbandry myths within the reptile hobby. Please note that Reptiles and Research uses journal articles as source material the majority of the time and provides links in the descriptions. All of us suffer from the reptile itch, the itch to do more, to own more reptiles, this is the creative research outlet to alleviate that itch. The host has a Bachelor's degree in applied animal sciences (formally animal management). This is also a place to document the hobby, and document further learning and research into herpetoculture.
The Chameleon Academy - The Chameleon Academy is a dynamic resource which presents the latest in chameleon husbandry strategies. Here you will find constantly updated information. You can continue your chameleon education on the go with the Chameleon Academy Podcast or visually through the Chameleon Academy YouTube channel.
Influencers & Educators:
Leopard Gecko Talk - Leopard Gecko Talk is best known for its educational YouTube channel that specializes in all aspects of Leopard Gecko keeping and care (as well as some other species too). In this section we feature the official Leopard Gecko Talk products that we have carefully developed for these amazing little reptiles.
Snake Discovery - Snake Discovery is hosted by Emily Roberts and is best known for its educational YouTube channel that positively influences millions of viewers about all aspects of reptile keeping and care.
Reptile Care Sheets -
ReptiFiles - We know its hard to find reliable care information about reptiles online, where there is a massive amount of old, outdated and in some cases, just plain wrong advice. ReptiFiles is the internet's most accurate collection of reptile care guides and credible information and is a highly respected, one stop resource for a growing list of reptiles and amphibians.
Supplements -
Josh's Frogs - Supplements contain all the vitamins and minerals that your pet reptile or amphibian requires to stay healthy. Josh's Frogs carries a huge variety of vitamin and mineral supplements.
Light Your Reptiles - Complete range of Arcadia food and vitamin supplements.