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• It is important for your child to eat 2-3 meals a day in addition to 1-2 as a snack with continued breastfeeding.
• It is very important to continue giving your child appropriate complementary feeding especially that is rich in iron, as it will prevent developing IDA at this age.
• Encourage the child to drink from a child’s cup
Skills Chart
Crawls with an object in one or both hands
Moves from lying on back or tummy to a sitting position
Enjoys bouncing up and down, rocking back and forth
Stands firmly on legs when held in a standing position
Uses both hands to explore toys and reaches for them without falling
Explores objects with hands and mouth
Turns several pages of a chunky board book at once
Looks for things you hide and searches for close objects
Changes positions to explore their surroundings
Babbles while using sounds and syllables
Looks at familiar objects and people when named
Starts using hand gestures to communicate needs
Distinguishes between familiar and strange voices
Can drink from a bottle and places pacifier in mouth
Enjoys chew toys to relieve gums during teething
Reacts to new smells and tastes
Feels full after having solid foods
Safety Standards
When the baby starts to walk, they can take a few steps then lose their balance and fall, so make sure all carpets and rugs are firmly fixed to the floor
Never leave your child alone in a balcony, kitchen, pool or bathroom
Children under 3 should never play with small parts and bits that could easily break off