Thanks for your recent purchase at Little Martin’s Drawer.
We trust our products make your life easy and joyful!
We are running Love Little Martin’s Drawer campaign in our community, and we invite you to take part in this exciting campaign!
Post a picture or two of your happy moments using Little Martin’s Drawer products with a brief comment in your facebook or Instagram account, please make sure you @Little Martin’s Drawer before posting, we will then send through our popular Little Martin’s digital medical thermometer at the retail value of $22.99 as a gift or a 20% discount coupon for you to enjoy the next shopping with us.
Please reply to us with the link of your posting and your choice of complimentary gifts, we will send it to you within 24 hours!
We wish you and your family as happy as our little Martin’s , we are just happy and proud to be part of the journey with you!
Little Martin’s team
Customer Experience: 307 300 0022