Carleigh Burns & Harley Mills
The mastermind behind our delicious Quantum Cacao elixir is Carleigh Burns. Hailing from Canada, Carleigh has been fine tuning her cacao for the last 3 years, constantly tinkering and experimenting with her recipe. While everyone was making their morning coffee, she was always making and sharing her cacao with her friends and family.
Upon one of their first days of meeting in Tasmania, Carleigh shared her delicious elixir with Harley and he was instantly hooked. Growing up in Melbourne, AUS, Harley was use to regular hot beverages such as tea, coffee, hot chocolate and Milo. Upon tasting the full bodied cacao, Harley knew it was a hit. They soon fell in love, and as their relationship grew, so too did the nuances of the cacao elixir.
They decided to explore and travel Australia, and found themselves working in a remote part of the Tanami Desert, NT. Over the next 5 months, they developed a delicious and wholesome nightly tradition of cacao, continually fine-tuning and tweaking the recipe ever so slightly, finally landing on the perfect combination we have today... Quantum Cacao.
Why Cacao?:
Cacao is the less processed form of cocoa, the primary ingredient in chocolate. It is a superfood known for it's extremely high nutritional value and medicinal properties, and has been highly sought after for thousands of years. The natural stimulating properties of Cacao make it a great alternative to coffee, yet it is also perfect as an evening beverage.
Our chocolatey elixirs are packed full of nutritious ingredients, enhancing the flavours and maximising the goodness in each cup... Not too sweet, not too bitter, just right.
Our ceremonial cacao is an organic, single origin Crillio Cacao from Peru, and is perfect for those looking for a daily ritual, a creativity boost, or a full powered ceremonial dose.
Why Quantum?
Cacao is a superfood known for it's extremely high nutritional content and value. It is packed full of goodness and opens the heart, heightens meditation, raises your natural vibration and enhances your energy. The quantum realm is everywhere and underlies the fabric of our reality. It is the point where science and mysticism meet, the space between the atoms that make up our physical form. We decided to gift the world with our Quantum Cacao as we believe in the interconnectivity of all things. Drinking this medicinal elixir does more than provide your body, mind, and soul with nourishment; the goodness ripples into all aspects of your existence.