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Air plant care basics

Even though air plants grow in tropical regions, they can still thrive in colder climates as long as you provide the basics. They don’t have a functioning root system, so they pull their nutrients from the air around them. When they bloom, they will produce a baby plant, which will pull nutrients from the mother. This WILL sometimes leave the mom looking a little straggly, but she’s fine! Once the baby is big enough to be removed and grow on its own, she’ll look fabulous again. Follow these Basics below to keep your plants happy and producing. 

Basic #1: Light 

Air plants do need light, not direct sunlight but indirect is good. They do best in a room with a window and bright light. If you want to desolate them in a lower lighted area, that’s fine! When you water them weekly just set them in a brighter lighter source for a while. 

Basic #2: Water 

There is a couple different ways you can do this, depending on which works best for you. You want to water them enough so they don’t turn crispy, but not so much that they rot or start to mold.

My preferred method I call “bathing”. Once a week in the summer, a little longer in the winter months, I take my air plant and run it under the sink till I see the leaves turn a darker green. I shake off the excessive water and set in the other side of the sink where I put dishes to dry. If it still looks a little dry a few hours later I repeat. 

Some people prefer to “mist” there plants. With this method all you need is a spray bottle and spray the plant 1 to 2 times a week till it looks wet and a little bit of water is collected in the leaves. With this method be careful if you have your plant in a jar or stand where water can collect in the bottom. You don’t want your air plant sitting in water because this will cause it to rot. 

Last option is soaking your plant. I’m not a huge fan of this, because you can easily overwater your air plant this way, but if it’s been a while since you remembered to water it, it’s looking really dry, or you live in a hot climate location then you can use this method. All you need is a jar or bowl, fill with water and let your plants soak in there for 5 to 10 mins. Shake off the excess water there you go! 
Remember to let air dry for a little while before you place back in stand.

Air conditioning and Heat blowing near or on your plant will dry it out faster, so water more frequently if your using your heating or cooling systems in the house. 




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