Not finding what you're looking for? We can do custom stationery/signs for you. Follow this process to place your order.
Step 1: Place Order
Send details for the item(s) you require to Beulah on WhatsApp/Email
(065 923 2425/[email protected]) include:
- Your Name + email (for a quotation)
- Example image(s) for the design you want, also include theme colours and size to confirm price
Step 2: Pay Deposit
A 50% deposit is required for design to commence, send your proof of payment.
Step 3: Approve Draft(s)
Design drafts will be sent to you to approve first
before print (if applicable). The completion of an order takes 3 to 5 working days (excluding delivery) for printed stationery and signage and 10 working days for handmade items such as hoop wreaths
*A maximum of 3 changes is only allowed, make sure to be as specific as possible to avoid additional charges
Step 4: Collection/Delivery
Full payment must be made on collection/courier. Collection is free - the location will be sent to you when order is ready for collection. A courier option is also available and is charged at a flat fee of R65 for smaller items (60cmx 41cm x8cm - max 5kg) and between R100 and R170 for bigger items (e.g. welcome boards). We use Courier Guy and PostNet to PostNet.