Once Upon A Yarn Story...
The story of the shop starts in Ireland where owner Carmen Schmidt lived for just over a year. During the rainy autumn months, she decided to pick up her knitting again for the first time in years and soon found herself falling back in love with the craft. As well as the rhythmic clicks and beautiful colours, she also discovered the craft happily came with a welcoming community of like-minded souls.
Even though Carmen had known how to knit since she was a child, it wasn't until now that she really got it. Her love (or, perhaps, obsession) for wool quickly grew and when she moved again in 2013, this time to the United Kingdom, she knew that she just had to do something with it. So, in November 2014, Carmen opened A Yarn Story in the small village of Bathford. But, after six short months, she found she had outgrown her sweet little shop. This is when she decided to move to Walcot Street in the heart of Bath's Artisan Quarter.
The shelves at A Yarn Story are brimming with all the yarns, patterns and knick-knacks that Carmen loves. Every single thing in the shop has a tale to tell that can be passed on so others can make it a part of their story too. She is passionate about choosing her favourite fibres and colours, as well as supporting designers and makers far and wide.
More than a shop, A Yarn Story is also a place for yarn-lovers to meet, create and feel at home, whether they are just starting out or have been lovingly knitting or crocheting for decades. With regular knit-nights online and in-store, and plenty of workshops with expert tutors, there is always something new to learn and share.