Missing an Item:
If you placed your order while logged into your account, please visit "Account - My Orders" to confirm that all items have been shipped. If you ordered as a guest, check your notification emails or reach out to our customer service for verification. (Items may be shipped from different warehouses or using various shipping methods, either due to inventory availability or to expedite delivery)
If you have received all of your shipments but are missing an item, please reach out to our customer service. Be sure to provide a copy of your original order confirmation, confirm the item number and quantity of the missing item(s), and include pictures or videos clearly displaying everything you received.
Missing Parts of an Item:
If you have carefully checked and unwrapped everything, and no parts are misplaced, but you still have missing parts according to the Parts-List, please contact our customer service. Include a copy of your original order confirmation, specify which part(s) and quantity for which item(s), and provide pictures or videos showing what you received.
Important Note:
Sikaic.com is not liable for reimbursing any labor costs or compensating for project delays resulting from the receipt of incomplete goods. We strongly recommend waiting to schedule installation until after your order has arrived and been thoroughly inspected.